Useful Contacts

Bosworth Medical Centre 0121 770 4484
Badger GP Emergency Service 0121 766 2100
Birmingham Heartlands Hospital 0121 424 2000
Solihull Hospital 0121 424 2000
Birmingham and Solihull CCG 0121 203 3300
Social Services - children, elderly 0121 329 0190
Citizens Advice Bureau 0870 751 0955
Samaritans and AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) 0121 666 6644
Police 0845 113 500

Bosworth Medical Practice is part of the Birmingham and Solihull CCG where details of primary medical services in the area may be obtained.
Contact Details:

Tel: 0121 203 3300

Address: Attwood Green Health Centre, 30 Bath Row, Birmingham, West Midlands, B15 1LZ

